Esmae Eastin
Photo of cell phone policy poster
This school year, a new cell phone policy has been implemented across Florida, and the students of Cypress Lake have some words about it.
This rule has banned the use of phones in class, with most teachers opting for students to have their cell phones in their backpacks and completely off their bodies. There are three levels of punishment for having your phone during class. First is a verbal warning. Next, the phone is taken away to be picked up in the office at the end of the day. On the third offense the phone is taken and picked up by a parent after school. Some students have said that it is, “over the top,” “causes more problems than solving them,” and “the worst decision our school district has decided to create…”
Many students feel there are more negatives to this rule, some simply feel that it doesn’t change much and that only those with an actual issue with using their phones are being affected, and some believe that those who need to use their phones are being put into an unfair situation. Other students have agreed that it is important for students to focus during class and that this rule is “a good step to eliminating distractions in class.”
One thing that almost everyone agrees with is that the rule itself is fine, good even, but the punishments are what become unfair and extreme. They feel that having a parent get their phone after school can be more trouble than it’s worth and that students should be allowed to have their phones on them in case of emergencies. One student mentioned that during a fire drill, they wanted to contact their parents in case it was a true emergency, but because of the rule, they were unable to do so. Saying it is far too strict, especially in these situations.
Some art students have a unique perspective. In academic classes not having their phone helps them to focus, but in their art classes, they say using their phone is important for many reasons, like using photos and uploading information to their computers. This is made very difficult because of this rule. Many students also enjoy listening to music during class and after they finish their work, and feel they should be allowed to. One student stated “I don’t really think it’s fair to the students who are on task and are simply listening to their music.” This sentiment was echoed by many others.
Simply put, the majority of students here agree that the rule banning cell phones is mostly good, but that the punishments and problems associated do more harm than good.