Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died more than 200 years ago yet he just released a new composition called Serenade in C. How you may ask? The piece was thought to be lost forever until it was discovered in the German Leipzig Municipal Libraries last month. The researchers who found it decided the piece was likely kept by Mozart’s sister and was misplaced when it entered the archive of his music. Serenade in C is said to have been composed when Mozart was a young teenager, as “Amedeo”, which he wrote on his later compositions, was not included in his name on the newly found piece. The style of the piece is also similar to others Mozart wrote during the same time period.
The piece is 12 minutes long, has seven parts, and is written for two violins and a standing bass but can also be played by a cello. It was performed at the Leipzig Opera house and was recorded in order to be heard by the masses. It was renamed by the library researchers, now called Ganz kleine Nachtmusik, German for “very little night music”, and can be listened to on YouTube and a few other streaming services.
Ms. Lisa, the CLHS orchestra teacher, is excited by the discovery of “Ganz Kleine Nachtmusik” and said, “It feels like you are sent back to the 1700s and your favorite artist just wrote a new song.” Ms. Lisa added that she was thrilled by the feeling of traveling back in time. The members of the orchestra class seemed genuinely intrigued by the crazy happenings. They found it interesting that the composition was unknown for so long and then randomly stumbled across. It was also a cool experience to listen to it for the first time. The overall opinion is really positive, it is a great classical composition, and may even impact modern musicians and compositions.