Over the past few years Cypress has been slowly transitioning from College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) Capstone program to the Cambridge AICE program. This has largely been a district-led initiative. Because the AICE diploma can be used to earn a Bright Futures Scholarship (in place of test scores), there has been greater emphasis on the AICE diploma.
Taking a look at student opinions there continues to be a variety of responses to the switch.
Senior Veronica Parker explained how the difference in language and curriculum affects test taking here in the United States versus in Britain: “I prefer the AP program due to it being an American program. AICE is a British program and it complicates things, nobody knew what a ‘rubbish tip’ was on our AICE English Language exam last year. Plus, the scores are different and confusing.”
Another student, Danni Haddock, expressed the concern that, “With AICE they tweak the test every year or so you never really know what little things they may include.”
It seems to be that many find AICE to be overly challenging and straining to students. But on the flip side, Darius Johnson stated, “AICE feels easier compared to AP. AP also feels like more work.” He also contradicted his peers by finding this AICE marking system more simple. He continued, adding, “I’m just glad I have the opportunity for the AICE diploma.”
The AICE diploma may be a great opportunity for those students who struggle to meet the 1330 SAT score or GPA required for the Florida Academic Scholars level of Bright Futures, which pays 100% of tuition.
One difficulty with the AICE diploma is that students must complete all 7 of their courses within a 25 month time period, but as a benefit, because the exams are offered in both fall and spring (unlike AP which is only in spring), students can retake the exam for credit.
Based on our survey, 64% of students find AP classes to be more beneficial and preferred over the AICE program. Only 27% of our Panthers are enjoying AICE. While both have their pros and cons it is safe to say that for now, most students prefer the AP program.
*Note: An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated the 7 AICE exams must be taken within 36 months. The correct timeframe is 25 months.